Micro Business Forum is calling for expressions of interest from graphic designers to design our new logo.
Time for a new look
Micro Business Forum (MBF) started as "Home Based Business Club" in 2003. On 8 February 2008, it was called "Home Business Forum" (HBF). Later on, memberships broadened to include micro businesses with less than 5 employees or who are self-employed. HBF was renamed as "Micro Business Forum" (MBF). The rebranding of MBF started on 22 February 2013.
It is time for a new look to reflect our future strategic intent that MBF is Home of Entrepreneurs. MBF is a professional and the friendliest business network in town who pride themselves on providing education, networking and support to both start-ups and established micro-business owners so that they can learn, grow and succeed in their businesses.
Seeking highly-skilled graphic designers from the local area
MBF is seeking expressions of interest from highly skilled Graphic Designers based in the Port Macquarie-Hastings region and who have strong knowledge of typography, color, layout, and image manipulation to create a visually appealing logo and complementary brand element designs that clearly communicate Micro Business Forum's brand to our various audiences.
You will work closely with our marketing representative and committee executive teams to produce engaging design assets for print and digital, ensuring that all deliverables maintain a look and feel that is consistent with our brand.
Use of designs
These designs will be used on all online channels including website, social media, eMail marketing plus all printed materials like business cards, fliers and banners that will promote MBF.
Fee-based design project
To support local designers, MBF will be awarding this project to a graphic designer based on the fees quoted and based on their ideas and sketches.
Project Award
The Executive Committee may conduct a discussion with the applicants. The decision of the award will be collectively made by MBF's Committee. All applicants will be notified of their decision.
How to apply
Applications close Friday 3 July 2020. The committee will shortlist the designers and work on the course of design work with the successful designer.
To apply, please email to:
Veronica Lind,
Micro Business Forum
via email: admin@microbusinessforum.org.au
Tel: 0407 779 828
and include the following items:
CV or bio
folio of your existing work, in particular, logo designs
draft sketch of MBF's new logo
quotation or proposal with prescribed payment terms
Your existing artwork and sketches can be provided in a variety of digital formats such as .jpg, .psd, .eps, .pdf. If the files are larger than 2MB, please use an online file-sharing service such as Dropbox.
You may contact Veronica whose details are above if you have any questions or wish to understand the MBF's brand.
Copyright and Moral Rights
All copyright in the designs belongs to MBF. The successful designer agrees to
grant MBF the permission (in the form of an exclusive licence) to use, adapt, edit,
reproduce and publish any artworks for development and implementation of MBF's branding, sales and marketing efforts. Such permission also extends to any moral rights in the designs.
