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Achieving 2020 business goals

MBF Meeting 7 February 2020

About 30 small business owners attended the first MBF meeting of 2020. Vice-President, Veronica Lind opened the meeting by welcoming the Year of the Metal Rat, a year of new beginnings and summarised the upcoming events. The Rat Year reminded her of "Who moved my cheese" and stressed that change happens all the time and it is important for us to anticipate change, monitor change and adapt to change very quickly.

Here are some important links Veronica shared.

Subsidised online program for women entrepreneurs by NSW Government -

To achieve your goals, Andrew Campbell, an Australian Small Business Advisory Service Agent, Business Broker and Coach shared:

9 steps to creating the right mindset and goals for 2020.

Andrew stressed the importance of having a growth mindset and explained how the brain works to set you up for success. Andrew shared these 9 steps to creating the right mindset so you can achieve your 2020 goals.

1. The WHY question.

Ask yourself at least five times why do you want to do this?

2. Setting your goals the right way.

Setting goals is not creating a to-do list. Andrew suggested learning from The 12 Week Year by Brian P. Moran, Michael Lennington.

3. Create your morning ritual.

Create a positive frame of mind so it builds confidence that leads to success. Ask these questions before you start your day.

- 3 things that I am grateful for

- 3 wins that I had yesterday

- 3 things to achieve today

4. Abundance vs Scarcity Mindset.

Visualise abundance and strive to earn more rather than penny pitch.

5. Take the offense and not the defence.

This is about taking charge and work on the important things that drive your business forward.

6. Seek help to achieve your goals.

You cannot do everything alone. Seek new skills and help to keep you motivated so you can move forward.

7. Self-education.

To be growth-oriented, you need to be curious.

The magic happens outside your comfort zone.

8. Practice, practice, practice

Become an expert. You need to create deliberate practice. Andrew suggests you read 10,000 hours by Malcolm Gladwell.

9. Become the person you want to be.

Imagine the person you need to be to succeed, whether it is your image, your talk or actions.

Veronica Lind of Vermilion Pinstripes - Sales Marketing Communications led the interactive on "Growing in 2020", which allows participants at the MBF Meeting to work on their business based on what Andrew presented.

Veronica reminded participants that success is not just about listing your goals. Success is a becoming process. You are responsible for who you become. The results in your life are always the effect of the choices you make. So in order to achieve your goals and gain the results you want you will sometimes make choices to do the things you do not want to do. That requires you to change your habits.

That becoming process is what Andrew says "practice, practice, practice".

Participants were grouped to work on their #1 goal, the skills they require to achieve that goal and the things they commit to doing to achieve that goal. Lyndall Ward, Rod Bucton, Martin Varlow and Catherine Calvin summarised what the small business owners had discussed.

WOW, that's a lot that we learned today! So what is your 2020 #1 goal and how are you going about to achieve it?

Photos were taken by Stuart Lyall Photography.

We will see you at our next MBF Meeting where Lee, the Queen of Instagram will share how you can "instantly improve on your Instagram". Register here >

Next MBF Meeting 3 April 2020: Instantly Improve Your Instagram
Next MBF Meeting 3 April 2020: Instantly Improve Your Instagram


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