MBF is registered as being COVID-Safe
As MBF and its members go back to business, we have listed these COVID-Safe Practices and Measures because we care about your well-being. We want to be prepared as situation changes and seek your co-operation.
MBF's COVID Marshall
The Micro Business Forum (MBF) is now registered as a COVID safe business. Wendy Hee is MBF's COVID Marshall and if you have any questions relating to COVID safety, please consult Wendy.
Wendy is very familiar with COVID safety practices and measures as she implements them in Qi and Tonic as a health practitioner. Wendy is also a volunteer with RFS Communications Brigade in Wauchope where COVID Safety is a priority.
Entry to events
As of 25th February, the NSW Government relaxes COVID rules.
Face masks are not required except on public transport and public transport waiting areas, planes, and indoors at airports, public hospitals, private health facilities, residential aged care facilities or hostels and indoor music festivals with more than 1000 people. However, some businesses may insist on masks.
It is not necessary to check into a location with QR codes.
Please check the NSW Government COVID-19 website for any new updates.
We do not encourage you to attend any events if you are not feeling well.
Check-in to MBF's events
When you register for a MBF event online, you will receive an email with your event ticket. You may present a printed or digital version at the door for scanning. Your details will be captured automatically without having you to fill in the details.

COVID-Safe Practices
Registrations and signing into events.
Make payments online so there is little or no handling of cash.
Self-isolate if you have just returned from overseas or any affected area or awaiting for COVID-19 test results or suspected or having COVID-19 or had close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case.
We discourage you to attend events if you are not feeling well. Get tested.
It is up to you if you would like to wear a mask where directed.
Practice good hand hygiene. Use the hand sanitiser to clean your hands at the registration desk; before placing business cards and brochures at the table and before handing them out to another person.
Bring your own writing materials.
All food and drinks must be consumed at your table.
All gifts and donated lucky draw prizes need to be sanitised.
Download the COVIDSafe app.
Check the government's website frequently so you are kept up-to-date - https://www.nsw.gov.au/covid-19
Cooperate with NSW Health if contacted in relation to a positive case of COVID-19, and notify SafeWork NSW on 13 10 50.
Be COVID-Safe in your home and business too.
Thank you and be safe,
President, Micro Business Forum